Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The ultimate Cubs fan

A few weeks ago I was driving home after dropping my husband off to catch a plane for a business trip. We had been discussing the Cubs. I realized that God is a lot like a Cubs fan. Cubs fans are used to being disappointed by performance. As a matter of fact, we really just expect to be let down. A lot. However, we still get excited when things look even a little promising. They don't even have to making all that great of plays for us to stand up and jump up and down with the thrill of watching them do what they are SUPPOSED to be doing. Let's face it- going to Wrigley and sitting in the sun and taking it all in is an uplifting experience. The wins are nice, but it is more about the community of the game. We are all there to hope for the best and keep on loving the whole package when we are disappointed. God does that. He wants the win, but He loves us in spite of our shortcomings. He just wants us to enjoy the community and to give it our best each day. He sees our potential as reality. It gets even better because He knows that in the end of it all, we have already won. He has given us the most important win. We get the honor of playing in the game that we cannot lose. We don't need to hit the grand slams. We just have to show up and do what we were created to do. Our whole journey on earth is to become a little more like God each day. We will never attain perfection on this earth, but it is ok. We are redeemed beings. Our purpose here is to enjoy the game- to support one another in our joys and sorrows. We are called to bear each other's burdens and celebrate successes. We are allowed to jump up and down with one another just because we are doing what God created us to do. God is watching my game and has my name on His jersey. He is watching your game with your name on his jersey. He is cheering us every step of the way and shouting "There goes my champion!". He is our biggest fan, and he will never get tired of seeing our potential. He knows what we are capable of accomplishing, and he is waiting to see it happen. He doesn't ever say "Wait 'til next year". He already knows all that we will do in this life and he loves us for all that we are. That is a comforting feeling, and one that is far better than a world series win.

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